How to deal with difficult people!
Whether in the workplace or in social settings, sometimes it seems that people can be difficult to deal with. If the negative transactions do not bother you, then you may not find any problem with these people. On the other hand, what can you do if wish to can change the other persons' negative impressions of you? It may not surprise you to learn that others, often ascribe, or assign, to others personal characteristics that are really projections of themselves. Psychologists call these type of perception errors as attribution errors.
The first problem is to learn to identify when someone projecting? The simple test is to note that anytime a person forgets he or she creates his or her own experience then he or she is projecting.[1] Whether you like it or not, your job, your relationship and even your life, depend on how well you deal with those negative projections and your success in changing them. You may need to learn: how to deal with those projections, how to stop those projections, and how to change those projections to work to your advantage. [2]
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1. Gay Hendricks and Kathlyn Hendricks,
Creating the Art of Intimacy, Prentice Hall: Englewood Cliffs New Jersey ,
1985,p 61
2. George Weinberg and Dianne Rowe, St. Martin's Press: New York,1988
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